Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Clearasil | Facial Cleanser

Clearasil Facial Cleanserclearasil facial cleanser
Clearasil 3 in 1 Deep Facial Cleanser
Contains oil dissolving betahydroxy acid, clinically proven to fight pimples through hardworking microbeads that removes dirt anclearasil facial cleanserd oil, the exfoliating micro-bead formula penetrated deep into pores and fights the 3 main causes of spots (Pimples/Acne) by unclogging pores, removing dirt and oil and cleansing away pimple-causing bacteria. Clearasil is a great product I used this Clearasil 3 in 1 Deep Facial Cleanser and I recommend it to everyone, it is great for maintaining clearer skin.

helps prevent acne breakouts, after every wash you will feel very clean because this facial cleanser has a mint feeling that refreshes you makes you feel refreshed and comfortable, Clearasil doesn't dry your skin or causes any irritations, that's why it is great.
Use it twice a day and feel the results of clearer skin.

clearasil facial cleanser

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Anonymous said...

Is this the one you can only find at watson? the one that cst 4k?

Starplayer said...

If you are talking about the Proactiv, then yes it is the one you can find in watson's the proactiv package that sells around 4k.

Anonymous said...

Where can we buy Clearasil? It's no longer available in the market. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Where can we buy Clearasil? It's no longer available in the market. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Hi! where can i buy clearasil? It's no longer available in the market. thanks

Anonymous said...

Hi! where can i buy clearasil? It's no longer available in the market. thanks

Anonymous said...

Hi! where can i buy clearasil? It's no longer available in the market. thanks

Starplayer said...

Hi I'm sorry but Clearasil is also unavailable in stores here, but I think you can find it through the internet, eBay has it I last checked.

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